The FILLM blog entries are a possibility for researchers to share their work and thoughts with the rest of the academic community in an informal way.
The FILLM blog is a possibility for researchers to share their work and thoughts with the rest of the academic community in an informal way.
It is possible for anyone to have a blog entry as long as they are associated with FILLM or one of its Member Associations.
The blog entry can be topic specific or of a more general and personal character. The main thing is that they relate to study of modern languages and literatures. They can be maintained indefinitely or on a more limited basis (e.g. in connection with a research project).
This blog is meant as platforms for sharing thoughts and work in process, so the blog entries are not expected to be written in a formal academic language. The language can be informal and casual, but responsibility for the quality of the content rests with the contributor(s).
The submissions will be posted as they are, with minimal editing (limited to formatting adjustments to ensure a seamless fit on our platform). We encourage a friendly tone in your writing. Please note that FILLM reserves the right to decline any posts deemed inappropriate. However, rest assured that any such decisions will be communicated with the author(s) directly. We value open communication and collaboration with the authors.
If you would like to publish a blog entry, send an email by clicking the button below, in which you briefly introduce yourself and write a short statement what you would like to share with our community.